Export EU mechanical and electrical enterprises to give advice

AQSIQ has recently reported that the European Commission will update the list of exemptions for the RoHS Directive and has established this year from September 2 to October 28 as a comment period. In view of the significant impact of the RoHS Directive on the export of China's mechanical and electrical products, AQSIQ specifically invited relevant departments and exporting enterprises and other stakeholders to study this new exemption list and provide comments, so that the negative impact of the RoHS directive on my exports is reduced. lowest.

EU re-examines the list of exemptions

It is understood that the "Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment" (the RoHS Directive) adopted by the European Commission on January 27, 2003 sets forth new electronic products for sale since July 1 next year. Electrical equipment must not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. On August 18 this year, the maximum limit allowed by the above six hazardous substances was established. An annex to the Directive lists a list of products exempt from this requirement, and the list of exemptions may need to be modified.

AQSIQ official said that according to the directive, the European Commission will again seek comments on the updated exemption list from September 2 to October 28 this year.

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine pointed out that units interested in making opinions need to use various scientific and technological arguments to demonstrate the necessity of exemption as much as possible. It is necessary to discuss whether there are any alternatives that can be used for industrial and commercial use, whether there are any restrictions on the application of such alternatives, the cost and benefit of such alternatives, and what are the advantages and disadvantages, and the detailed description of the exemptions. . The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine will organize the review of the list and the work of soliciting opinions, and put forward opinions to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of China's export enterprises.

Most products in Guangzhou are not up to standard

The “Guangzhou Electronic and Electrical Environmental Protection Directive 2005 Guangzhou International Consultation Conference” hosted by the Guangzhou Technical Barriers to Technical Barriers was also held recently. Nearly one hundred representatives from Guangdong's home appliances, electronics, electromechanical and other related fields discussed system solutions.

Wang Xiaoling, deputy mayor of Guangzhou, pointed out at the consultation meeting that Guangzhou is an export-oriented economy, and the export of mechanical and electrical products accounts for half of the city's exports. The EU's two environmental directives (RoHS directive and August 13th began). The implementation of the "Destruction of Electrical and Electronic Equipment" (WEEE Directive), the products involved in household appliances, IT and communications equipment, lighting and various types of electrical and electronic tools, medical equipment, and other more than 10 categories, 200,000 products, covering All kinds of export products of Guangzhou City. As a major export product of Guangzhou, the implementation of the two directives will have a major impact on the entry of Guangzhou's electromechanical industry into the international market. However, the electrical products exported by Guangzhou, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and the products of non-foreign-funded background enterprises are far from meeting the requirements of the RoHS Directive. What is even more worrying is that many enterprises have not yet realized the seriousness of the crisis, holding wait-and-see and waiting passively. Attitude. If enterprises fail to meet the EU's new environmental protection requirements in a timely manner, problems such as backlog of products, sharp decline in exports, and heavy tax sanctions will be concentrated and eventually eventually eliminated by the market.

Dealing with trade barriers should be prepared

According to reports, Guangzhou's technical trade barriers joint response system will launch a series of activities such as multi-level solution briefings and training sessions around the EU environmental directives. At the same time, build a monitoring and risk warning system for hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products, conduct a spot check on the six hazardous substances that are restricted by the RoHS directive for exporting electrical and electronic products in Guangzhou, and establish a database of relevant information to provide qualified products and information for enterprises. Testing services enable companies to select qualified suppliers and evade technical barriers.

Fang Xujun, the person in charge of the Wanbao Group, said that the group had long been concerned about the two EU directives. According to reports, the Wanbao Group has now established a RoHS team to deal with the two EU directives, issued a notice to the supplier, requiring suppliers to take measures to deal with EU directives. Fang Xujun suggested that the company set up a special RoHS team as soon as possible to understand the dynamic information of the EU on these two directives and the actual application of other member states.

Li Jiang, senior project manager of Rheinland China, also suggested at the consultation meeting that as the manufacturer must first prepare the WEEE logo, basic technical documents should be prepared. Companies can follow the successful experience of the Wanbao Group. For example, parts and plastic parts should be marked according to standards. In addition, the design of the product should be designed to be disassembled and easily disassembled, because if it is difficult to disassemble, it will lead to higher recycling costs, and also consider environmentally friendly design, such as RoHS-restricted hazardous substances. Do not use any other harmful substances.

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