The microprocessor consists of one or a few large-scale integrated circuits, which can complete operations such as reading instructions, executing instructions, and exchanging information with external memory and logic components. Therefore, the basic components are arithmetic logic units (ALU, Arithmetic Logical). Unit); accumulator and general register (register); program counter (also called instruction indicator); timing and control logic; data and address latches/buffers; internal bus.
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Microprocessors have not appeared since the 1960s, and they are everywhere today. Whether it is smart electronic products such as mobile phones and wearable devices, or automobiles, CNC machine tools, missiles, aerospace, etc., they must be embedded in various types. microprocessor.
According to the application field of the microprocessor, it can be divided into three categories: general-purpose high-performance microprocessor, embedded microprocessor and digital signal processor, and microcontroller (MCU).
There are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 bit microprocessors depending on the word length of the microprocessor processing information. Early microprocessor (16-bit and previous) manufacturers mixed, not only INTEL, but also Mitre, Garrett AiResearch, Intel, TI, Fairchild, Rockwell, NEC, National Semiconductor, Western Electric, Motorola, Zilog, INMOS, DEC, SUN . Up to 32, mainly Intel's world, from Pentium to its PRO version, II generation, III generation, IV generation, etc., although AMD and VIA are well studied, it is still difficult to shake Intel's dominance.
Let's start on the journey of the 4-bit microprocessor era, let us know about the classic products of the four eras.
Although the microprocessor did not appear until 1970, in July 1969, the US moon landing spacecraft "Apollo 11" used complex computing systems, including attitude control, guidance navigation systems, and onboard computers. These complex computing systems have attracted major companies from the United States to join in and strive to introduce their own computer products to replace each other.
Companies that developed 4-bit microprocessors in the 1970s include Mitre, Garrett AiResearch, Intel, TI, Fairchild, Rockwell, NEC, and National Semiconductor.
In 1968, several engineers who left the company of Mitre founded Viatron Computer Corporation. In 1969, they invented the first LSI-based 4-bit microprocessor 2140.
The MP944 was the first aerospace microprocessor and the first military microprocessor to be the first fully integrated chipset microprocessor.
In 1968, Garrett AiResearch began developing a digital computer to compete with the motor system of the main flight control computer being developed for the US Navy's F-14 Tomcat fighter. In June 1970, Steve Geller and Ray Holt of Garrett AiResearch in the United States invented a product based on MOS-LSI technology, consisting of six chips (two top-grade quartz sensors, one 20-bit high-precision analog-to-digital converter A/D) A 20-bit high-precision digital-to-analog converter D/A, a MOS-LSI chipset, an efficient power supply unit, named MP944. The chip is only about 40 square inches (about 25,000 square millimeters) and has a frequency of 375 kHz. It beats the design of the motor system based on smaller size and higher reliability. It was applied to all the Tomcat fighters of the early US Navy (TomCat). Fighter, including the F-14 Tomcat.) The first F-14 aircraft using the MP944 was tested in 1970. The US military believed that the technology was too advanced and allowed to disclose its design details until 1998. Unveil its veil.
On September 17, 1971, Gary Boone and Michael Cochran of TI (Texas Instruments) developed a 4-bit microprocessor TMS 1000 based on pre-programmed embedded applications in a DIP28 package. On September 4, 1973, Gary Boone obtained a US patent for a single-chip microprocessor, patent number 3757306; in 1974 TI (Texas Instruments) pushed a single-chip 4-bit microprocessor-TMS1802NC, which is widely used in the company's pocket. In the calculator, it brings new impetus to the computer field.
On November 15, 1971, Intel introduced the first commercial 4-bit microprocessor-4004, which was fabricated using a silicon gate PMOS 10μm process. The Die Size chip is only 13.5mm2 and integrates 2.25K transistors in a CDIP16 package. The 4004 includes a four-bit parallel adder, sixteen four-bit buffers, an accumulator, and a push-down stack, which was joined by Federico Faggin (in 1970, Intel). Designed by ZILOG) and Marcian E.Hoff (Hoff, nickname Ted Hoff). The chip was discontinued in 1981.
Using 4004 chip, coupled with 4001 (40 bytes of dynamic memory DRAM), 4002 (256 bytes of read-only memory ROM), 4003 (10-bit shift register chip Register), plus keyboard and digital tube, Formed a complete microcomputer MCS-4.
The original Intel 4004 microprocessor was packaged in a gold-top white ceramic package. Later, ordinary black ceramics and plastic packages appeared. (Intel's practice of producing early microprocessors:) Jinding Baitao 4004 is divided into ordinary white pottery, gray trace white pottery, 5 It is a three-class white pottery. Among them, the gray trace white ceramic version is the most precious.
In 1972, Fairchild introduced the 4-bit microprocessor PPS-25, a multi-chip microprocessor with a frequency of 200KHz and a PMOS process.
In August 1972, Rockwell released a 4-bit microprocessor PPS-4 with a frequency of 200KHz. It is fabricated in a PMOS process and packaged in a QUIP (Quad-In-Line), 42-pin package. Used for computing, control and gaming applications.
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In 1973, NEC Corporation of Japan introduced a 4-bit microprocessor with a frequency of 1MHz, which was produced by NMOS technology and integrated with 2,500 transistors.
The first microprocessor from National Semiconductor (NSC), with a frequency of 500 kHz, is produced using NMOS technology.
In November 1974, Intel introduced 4-bit microprocessor-4040, using PMOS silicon gate 10 process, integrating 3,000 transistors, frequency 740kHz, using 4 to 5.185 MHz quartz oscillator, running speed 0.06 MIPS, 4040 adoption Ceramic and plastic DIP24 package.
Summary report: The initial four-bit microprocessor is NMOS or PMOS technology, the line width is between 8-10μm, 200K-1M, and multi-chip.
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