The following is a collection of tools that are collected based on different language types and application areas, and are continuously updated.
C General Machine LearningRecommender - A product recommended C library that utilizes collaborative filtering.
Computer visionCCV - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library is a modern computer vision library.
VLFeat - VLFeat is an open source computer vision algorithms library with Matlab toolbox.
C++ computer visionOpenCV - the most commonly used visual library. There are C++, C, Python and Java interfaces), support for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OS.
DLib - DLib has C++ and Python face recognition and object detection interfaces.
EBLearn - Eblearn is an object-oriented C++ library that implements a variety of machine learning models.
VIGRA - VIGRA is a cross-platform machine vision and machine learning library that can handle data in any dimension with a Python interface.
General machine learningMLPack - an extensible C++ machine learning library.
DLib - Designed for easy embedding into other systems.
Vowpal Wabbit (VW) - A fast out-of-core learning system.
Sofia-ml - fast incremental algorithm suite.
Shogun - The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox
Caffe - deep learning frame, clear structure, good readability and speed.
CXXNET - A streamlined framework with less than 1000 lines of core code.
XGBoost - a gradient boosting library optimized for parallel computing.
CUDA - This is a fast C++/CUDA implementation of convolutional [DEEP LEARNING]
Stan - A probabilistic programming language implemented full Bayesian statistical inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling
BanditLib - A simple Multi-armed Bandit library.
Timbl - implements multiple memory-based algorithms, of which IB1-IG (KNN classification algorithm) and IGTree (decision tree) are widely used in NLP.
Natural language processingMIT Information Extraction Toolkit - C, C++, and Python tools for naming entity recognition and relationship extraction.
CRF++ - Open source implementation of conditional random fields, which can be used as participles, part-of-speech tagging, etc.
CRFsuite - CRFsuite is a conditional random field implementation that can be used as a part-of-speech tag.
BLLIP Parser - Charniak-Johnson parser.
Colibri-core - A set of C++ libraries, command line tools, and Python binding that efficiently implement n-grams and skipgrams.
Ucto - multi-language tokenizer that supports Unicode-oriented regular expressions and supports the FoLiA format.
Libfolia - C++ library for the FoLiA format
MeTA - MeTA : ModErn Text Analysis mines data from huge amounts of text.
machine translationEGYPT (GIZA++)
Speech RecognitionKaldi - Kaldi is a C++ tool released under the Apache license V2.0. Kaldi is suitable for speech recognition research.
Sequence AnalysisToPS - This is an objected-oriented framework that facilitates the integration of probabilistic models for sequences over a user defined alphabet.
Java natural language - Retina: This API performs complex NLP operations (disambiguation, classification, streaming text filtering, etc.), fast and intuitive like a brain.
CoreNLP - Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools that take raw English text input and give the basic form of the word.
Stanford Parser - parser is a program that analyzes the grammatical structure of a sentence.
Stanford POS Tagger - part of speech tagger
Stanford Name Entity Recognizer - Stanford University NER is a Java-implemented named entity recognizer.
Stanford Word Segmenter - Tokenization of raw text is a standard pre-processing step for many NLP tasks.
Tregex, Tsurgeon and Semgrex - Tregex is a tool for matching tree patterns, based on tree relationships and regular expressions for short expressions (short for "tree regular expressions").
Stanford Phrasal: A Phrase-Based Translation System
Stanford English Tokenizer - Stanford Phrasal is the most advanced statistical phrase-based machine translation system written in Java.
Stanford Tokens Regex - A tokenizer divides text into a sequence of tokens, which roughly correspond to "words"
Stanford Temporal Tagger - SUTime is a library for identifying and normalizing time expressions.
Stanford SPIED - Starts with a seed set, iteratively uses patterns, and learns entities from unlabeled text.
Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox - A topic modeling tool used by sociologists to analyze data sets.
Twitter Text Java - The Twitter text processing library implemented by Java.
MALLET - Java-based software package that includes statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications.
OpenNLP - A toolkit for natural language processing based on machine learning.
LingPipe - Computational Linguistics Toolkit.
ClearTK - ClearTK provides a framework for developing statistical natural language processing components built on top of Apache UIMA.
Apache cTAKES - Apache Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES) is an open source system for extracting information from electronic medical records and clinical texts.
General machine learningAerosolve - Airbnb A machine learning library designed from the ground up for ease of use.
Datumbox - A rapid development framework for machine learning and statistical applications.
ELKI - Data Mining Tools. (Unsupervised Learning: Clustering, Outlier Detection, etc.)
Encog - an advanced neural network and machine learning framework. Encog includes neural networks for creating various networks, as well as for regulating and processing data. Encog training uses a multi-threaded elastic propagation method. Encog can also take advantage of the GPU to further speed up processing time. There is a GUI-based workbench.
H2O - Machine learning engine that supports distributed systems and PCs such as Hadoop, Spark, etc., can call APIs via R, Python, Scala, REST/JSON. - general machine learning library using Numenta's Cortical Learning Algorithm
Java-deeplearning - Distributed Deep Learning Platform for Java, Clojure, Scala
JAVA-ML - Java general machine learning library, all algorithms unified interface.
JSAT - has many machine learning algorithms such as classification, regression, and clustering.
Mahout - Distributed machine learning tool.
Meka - An open source implementation of multi-label classification and evaluation methods. Based on the weka extension.
MLlib in Apache Spark - Spark Distributed Machine Learning Library
Neuroph - Lightweight Java Neural Network Framework
ORYX - Lambda Architecture Framework, real-time large-scale machine learning using Apache Spark and Apache Kafka.
RankLib - Sorting Algorithm Learning Library.
Stanford Classifier - A classifier is a machine learning tool that will take data items and place them into one of k classes.
SmileMiner - Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine
SystemML - a flexible, scalable machine learning language.
WalnutiQ - Object-Oriented Human Brain Model
Weka - WEKA is a collection of algorithms used by machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks.
Speech RecognitionCMU Sphinx - an open source toolkit for speech recognition, a Java-based speech recognition library.
Data analysis, visualizationHadoop - Hadoop/HDFS
Spark - Spark's fast and versatile large-scale data processing engine.
Impala - Real-time Hadoop query.
DataMelt - Math software, including numerical calculations, statistics, symbolic calculations, data analysis and data visualization.
Dr. Michael Thomas Flanagan's Java Scientific Library
Deep LearningDeeplearning4j - Scalable industrialized deep learning, leveraging parallel GPUs.
Python computer visionScikit-Image - A collection of image processing algorithms in Python.
SimpleCV - An open source computer vision framework that allows access to several high performance computer vision libraries such as OpenCV. Can run on Mac, Windows and Ubuntu Linux operating systems.
Vigranumpy - Python binding for computer vision library VIGRA C++.
Natural language processingNLTK - The leading platform for building Python programs that work with human language data.
Pattern - A Python-based web mining module. It has tools for natural language processing, machine learning and more.
Quepy - Converts natural language problems into a database query language.
TextBlob - Provides a consistent API for common natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Built on NLTK and Pattern and interacts well with both.
YAlign - The sentence alignment tool extracts parallel sentences from the control corpus.
Jieba - Chinese word segmentation tool
SnowNLP - Chinese text processing library.
Loso - Chinese word segmentation tool
Genius - conditional random field Chinese word segmentation tool
KoNLPy - Korean Natural Language Processing
Nut - natural language understanding tool
Rosetta - Text processing tools and wrappers (eg Vowpal Wabbit)
BLLIP Parser - BLLIP Natural Language Parser's Python binding (ie Charniak-Johnson parser)
PyNLPl - Python's natural language processing library. It also includes tools for parsing common NLP formats, such as FoLiA, as well as ARPA language models, Moses phrasetables, GIZA++ alignment, and more.
Python binding for python-ucto - ucto (for rule-based tokenizer for unicode)
Python-frog - Frog's Python binding. Dutch part-of-speech tagging, lemmatisation, dependency analysis, NER.
Python-zpar - ZPar's Python binding (English-based statistic-based part-of-speech tagging, constiuency parser and dependency parser)
Colibri-core - Python binding for efficiently extracting C++ libraries for n-grams and skipgrams
spaCy - Industrial NLP with Python and Cython.
PyStanfordDependencies - Converts the Penn Treebank tree to the Python interface of the Stanford dependent tree.
General machine learningMachine learning - Build and web-interface, programmatic-interface compatible support vector machine API. The corresponding data set is stored in a SQL database, and then the model for prediction is generated and stored in a NoSQL database.
XGBoost - Python binding for eXtreme Gradient Boosting (Tree) library
Featureforge a set of tools for creating and testing machine learning features with APIs compatible with scikit-learn
Scikit-learn - A Python module for machine learning based on SciPy.
Metric-learn - metric module for metric learning
SimpleAI - Implements many of the artificial intelligence algorithms described in the book Modern Approach to Artificial Intelligence. It focuses on providing an easy to use, well documented and tested library.
astroML - Astronomy machine learning and data mining library.
Graphlab-create - Based on the disk-backed DataFrame library, implements various machine learning models (regression, clustering, recommendation system, graphical analysis, etc.).
BigML - A library that communicates with external servers.
Pattern - Web data mining module.
NuPIC - Numenta intelligent computing platform.
Pylearn2 - Based on Theano's machine learning library.
Keras - Theano-based neural network library
Hebel - GPU-accelerated Python deep learning library.
Chainer - flexible neural network architecture
Gensim - an easy to use theme modeling tool
Topik - theme modeling toolkit
PyBrain - Another Python Machine Learning Library.
Crab - a flexible, fast recommendation engine
Python-recsys - Python tool to implement a recommendation system
Restricted Boltzmann Machines - Restricted Boltzmann Machine
CoverTree - Python implementation of cover trees, near-drop-in replacement for scipy.spatial.kdtree
Nilearn - NeuroImaging Machine Learning Library
Shogun - Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox
Pyevolve - Genetic Algorithm Framework
Caffe - deep learning frame, clear structure, good readability and speed.
Breze - Deep neural network based on Theano
Pyhsmm - Bayesian hidden Markov model approximate unsupervised reasoning and explicit time-length hidden semi-Markov model, focusing on Bayesian nonparametric expansion, the HDP-HMM and HDP-HSMM, mostly weak limit approximation.
Mrjob - Enables Python programs to run on Hadoop.
SKLL - Simplified scikit-learn interface for easy experimentation
Neurolab -
Spearmint - Optimization of Bayesian algorithm. The method is found in the paper: Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms. Jasper Snoek, Hugo Larochelle and Ryan P. Adams. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2012.
Pebl - Bayesian learning Python environment
Theano - Optimize GPU metaprogramming code to generate matrix-oriented optimized math compilers
TensorFlow - an open source software library for numerical calculations with dataflow graphs
Yahmm - hidden Markov model, implemented with Cython
Python-timbl - wraps the complete TiMBL C++ programming interface. Timbl is an elaborate k-nearest neighbor machine learning toolkit.
Deap - evolutionary algorithm framework
Pydeep - Python deep learning
Mlxtend - A useful tool library for data science and machine learning tasks.
Neon - high performance deep learning framework
Optunity - Dedicated to automating the hyperparameter optimization process, using a simple, lightweight API to facilitate direct replacement of grid searches.
Annoy - Approximate nearest neighbours implementation
Skflow - TensorFlow's simplified interface, similar to Scikit Learn.
TPOT - A pipeline that automatically creates and optimizes machine learning using genetic programming. Think of it as your data science assistant, automating most of the tedious work in machine learning.
Data analysis, visualizationSciPy - A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
NumPy - A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
Numba - Python JIT (just in time) complier to LLVM aims at scientific Python by the developers of Cython and NumPy.
NetworkX - A high-productivity software for complex networks.
Pandas - A library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools.
Open Mining - Business Intelligence (BI) in Python (Pandas web interface)
PyMC - Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit.
Zipline - A Pythonic algorithmic trading library.
PyDy - Short for Python Dynamics, used to assist with workflow in the modeling of dynamic motion based around NumPy, SciPy, IPython, and matplotlib.
SymPy - A Python library for symbolic mathematics.
Statsmodels - Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python.
Astropy - A community Python library for Astronomy.
Matplotlib - A Python 2D plotting library.
Bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python.
Plotly - Collaborative web plotting for Python and matplotlib.
Vincent - A Python to Vega translator.
D3py - A plottling library for Python, based on D3.js.
Ggplot - Same API as ggplot2 for R.
Ggfortify - Unified interface to ggplot2 popular R packages. - Rendering beautiful SVG maps in Python.
Pygal - A Python SVG Charts Creator.
PyQtGraph - A pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt4 / PySide and NumPy.
Petrel - Tools for writing, submitting, debugging, and monitoring Storm topologies in pure Python.
Blaze - NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data.
Emcee - The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC.
windML - A Python Framework for Wind Energy Analysis and Prediction
Vispy - GPU-based high-performance interactive OpenGL 2D/3D data visualization library
Cerebro2 A web-based visualization and debugging platform for NuPIC.
NuPIC Studio An all-in-one NuPIC Hierarchical Temporal Memory visualization and debugging super-tool!
SparklingPandas Pandas on PySpark (POPS)
Seaborn - A python visualization library based on matplotlib
Bqplot - An API for plotting in Jupyter (IPython)
Common Lisp Universal Machine LearningMgl - Neural networks (boltzmann machines, feed-forward and recurrent nets), Gaussian Processes
Mgl-gpr - Evolutionary algorithms
Cl-libsvm - Wrapper for the libsvm support vector machine library
Clojure natural language processingClojure-openNLP - Natural Language Processing in Clojure (opennlp)
Infections-clj - Rails-like inflection library for Clojure and ClojureScript
General machine learningTouchstone - Clojure A/B testing library
Clojush - he Push programming language and the PushGP genetic programming system implemented in Clojure
Infer - Inference and machine learning in clojure
Clj-ML - A machine learning library for Clojure built on top of Weka and friends
Encog - Clojure wrapper for Encog (v3) (Machine-Learning framework that specializes in neural-nets)
Fungp - A genetic programming library for Clojure
Statistiker - Basic Machine Learning algorithms in Clojure.
Clortex - General Machine Learning library using Numenta's Cortical Learning Algorithm
Comportex - Functionally composable Machine Learning library using Numenta's Cortical Learning Algorithm
Data analysis, visualizationIncanter - Incanter is a Clojure-based, R-like platform for statistical computing and graphics.
PigPen - Map-Reduce for Clojure.
Envision - Clojure Data Visualisation library, based on Statistiker and D3
Matlab Computer VisionContourlets - MATLAB source code that implements the contourlet transform and its utility functions.
Shearlets - MATLAB code for shearlet transform
Curvelets - The Curvelet transform is a higher dimensional generalization of the Wavelet transform designed to represent images at different scales and different angles.
Bandlets - MATLAB code for bandlet transform
Mexopencv - Collection and a development kit of MATLAB mex functions for OpenCV library
Natural language processingNLP - An NLP library for Matlab
General machine learningt-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding - t-SNE is an award-winning technology that reduces dimensionality, especially for high-dimensional data visualization
Spider - The spider is expected to be a complete object-oriented environment for machine learning in matlab.
LibSVM - the famous support vector hangar.
LibLinear - A Library for Large Linear Classification
Caffe - deep learning frame, clear structure, good readability and speed.
Pattern Recognition Toolbox - A complete object-oriented environment in Matlab machine learning.
Optunity - A library dedicated to automated hyperparameter optimization with a simple, lightweight API to facilitate drop-in replacement of grid search. Optunity is written in Python but interfaces seamlessly with MATLAB. Committed to automated hyperparameter optimization, a simple, lightweight Level API library for easy replacement of grid search. Optunity is written in Python but seamlessly connected to MATLAB.
Data analysis, visualizationMatlab_gbl - MatlabBGL is a Matlab package for working with graphs.
Gamic - Efficient pure-Matlab implementations of graph algorithms to complement MatlabBGL's mex functions.
.NET Computer VisionOpenCVDotNet - A wrapper for the OpenCV project to be used with .NET applications.
Emgu CV - Cross platform wrapper of OpenCV which can be compiled in Mono to e run on Windows, Linus, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android.
AForge.NET - Open source C# framework for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. Development has now shifted to GitHub.
Accord.NET - Together with AForge.NET, this library can provide image processing and computer vision algorithms to Windows, Windows RT and Windows Phone. Some components are also available for Java and Android.
Natural language processingStanford.NLP for .NET - A full port of Stanford NLP packages to .NET and also available precompiled as a NuGet package.
General machine learningAccord-Framework - A complete framework for machine learning, computer vision, computer audition, signal processing, statistical applications, and more. .
Accord.MachineLearning - Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Naive Bayesian models, K-means, Gaussian Mixture models and general algorithms such as Ransac, Cross-validation and Grid-Search for machine-learning applications. This package is part of the Accord. NET Framework.
DiffSharp - An automatic differentiation (AD) library provides exact and efficient derivatives (gradients, Hessians, Jacobians, directional derivatives, and matrix-free Hessian- and Jacobian-vector products) for machine learning and optimization applications. Operations can be nested to any level , meaning that you can calculate exact higher-order derivatives and differentiate functions that are internally making use of differentiation, for applications such as hyperparameter optimization.
Vulpes - Deep belief and deep learning implementation written in F# and leverages CUDA GPU execution with Alea.cuBase.
Encog - an advanced neural network and machine learning framework. Encog contains classes to create a wide variety of networks, as well as support classes to normalize and process data for these neural networks. Encog trains using multithreaded resilient propagation. Encog can also make use of a GPU to further speed processing time. A GUI based workbench is also provided to help model and train neural networks.
The user application is developed using WPF, and is a user interface which allows you to design your neural network, query the network, create and configure chat bots that are capable of asking questions And learning from your feed back. The chat bots can even scrape the internet for information to return in their output as well as to use for learning.
Data analysis, visualizationNuml - numl is a machine learning library intended to ease the use of using standard modeling techniques for both prediction and clustering.
Math.NET Numerics - Numerical foundation of the Math. NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Supports .Net 4.0, .Net 3.5 and Mono on Windows, Linux and Mac; Silverlight 5, WindowsPhone/SL 8, WindowsPhone 8.1 and Windows 8 with PCL Portable Profiles 47 and 344; Android/iOS with Xamarin.
Sho - Sho is an interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing that lets you seamlessly connect scripts (in IronPython) with compiled code (in .NET) to enable fast and flexible prototyping. The environment includes powerful and efficient libraries for linear algebra as well As data visualization that can be used from any .NET language, as well as a feature-rich interactive shell for rapid development.
Ruby natural language processingTreat - Text REtrieval and Annotation Toolkit, definitely the most comprehensive toolkit I've encountered so far for Ruby
Ruby Linguistics - Linguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any language. It includes a generic language-independent front end, a module for mapping language codes into language names, and a module which contains various English-language utilities.
Stemmer - Expose libstemmer_c to Ruby
Ruby Wordnet - This library is a Ruby interface to WordNet
Raspel - raspell is an interface binding for ruby
UEA Stemmer - Ruby port of UEALite Stemmer - a conservative stemmer for search and indexing
Twitter-text-rb - A library that does auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags in tweets
General machine learningRuby Machine Learning - Some Machine Learning algorithms, implemented in Ruby
Machine Learning Ruby
jRuby Mahout - JRuby Mahout is a gem that unleashes the power of Apache Mahout in the world of JRuby.
CardMagic-Classifier - A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
Data analysis, visualizationRsruby - Ruby - R bridge
Data-visualization-ruby - Source code and supporting content for my Ruby Manor presentation on Data Visualisation with Ruby
Ruby-plot - gnuplot wrapper for ruby, especially for plotting roc curves into svg files
Plot-rb - A plotting library in Ruby built on top of Vega and D3.
Scruffy - A beautiful graphing toolkit for Ruby
Glean - A data management tool for humans
MiscBig Data For Chimps
Listof - Community based data collection, packed in gem. Get list of pretty much anything (stop words, countries, non words) in txt, json or hash. Demo/Search for a list
R General Machine LearningAhaz - ahaz: regularization for semiparametric additive hazars regression
Arules - arules: Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
Bigrf - bigrf: Big Random Forests: Classification and Regression Forests for Large Data Sets
bigRR - bigRR: Generalized Ridge Regression (with special advantage for p >> n cases)
Bmrm - bmrm: Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization Package
Boruta - Boruta: A wrapper algorithm for all-relevant feature selection
Bst - bst: Gradient Boosting
C50 - C50: C5.0 Decision Trees and Rule-Based Models
Caret - Classification and Regression Training: Unified interface to ~150 ML algorithms in R.
caretEnsemble - caretEnsemble: Framework for fitting multiple caret models as well as creating ensembles of such models.
Clever Algorithms For Machine Learning
CORElearn - CORElearn: Classification, regression, feature evaluation and ordinal evaluation
CoxBoost - CoxBoost: Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks
Cubist - Cubist: Rule- and Instance-Based Regression Modeling
E1071 - e1071: Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
Earth - earth: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Models
Elasticnet - elasticnet: Elastic-Net for Sparse Estimation and Sparse PCA
ElemStatLearn - ElemStatLearn: Data sets, functions and examples from the book: "The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman Prediction" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman
Evtree - evtree: Evolutionary Learning of Globally Optimal Trees
Fpc - fpc: Flexible procedures for clustering
Frbs - frbs: Fuzzy Rule-based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks
GAMBoost - GAMBoost: Generalized linear and additive models by likelihood based boosting
gamboostLSS - gamboostLSS: Boosting Methods for GAMLSS
Gbm - gbm: Generalized Boosted Regression Models
Glmnet - glmnet: Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
Glmpath - glmpath: L1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and Cox Proportional Hazards Model
GMMBoost - GMMBoost: Likelihood-based Boosting for Generalized mixed models
Grplasso - grplasso: Fitting user specified models with Group Lasso penalty
Grpreg - grpreg: Regularization paths for regression models with grouped covariates
H2o - A framework for fast, parallel, and distributed machine learning algorithms at scale -- Deeplearning, Random forests, GBM, KMeans, PCA, GLM
Hda - hda: Heteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis
Introduction to Statistical Learning
Ipred - ipred: Improved Predictors
Kernlab - kernlab: Kernel-based Machine Learning Lab
klaR - klaR: Classification and visualization
Lars - lars: Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
Lasso2 - lasso2: L1 constrained estimation aka 'lasso'
LiblineaR - LiblineaR: Linear Predictive Models Based On The Liblinear C/C++ Library
LogicReg - LogicReg: Logic Regression
Machine Learning For Hackers
Maptree - maptree: Mapping, pruning, and graphing tree models
Mboost - mboost: Model-Based Boosting
Medley - medley: Blending regression models, using a greedy stepwise approach
Mlr - mlr: Machine Learning in R
Mvpart - mvpart: Multivariate partitioning
Ncvreg - ncvreg: Regularization paths for SCAD- and MCP-penalized regression models
Nnet - nnet: Feed-forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models
Oblique.tree - oblique.tree: Oblique Trees for Classification Data
Pamr - pamr: Pam: prediction analysis for microarrays
Party - party: A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
Partykit - partykit: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
Penalized - penalized: L1 (lasso and fused lasso) and L2 (ridge) penalized estimation in GLMs and in the Cox model
penalizedLDA - penalizedLDA: Penalized classification using Fisher's linear discriminant
penalizedSVM - penalizedSVM: Feature Selection SVM using penalty functions
quantregForest - quantregForest: Quantile Regression Forests
randomForest - randomForest: Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression
randomForestSRC - randomForestSRC: Random Forests for Survival, Regression and Classification (RF-SRC)
Rattle - rattle: Graphical user interface for data mining in R
Rda - rda: Shrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysis
Rdetools - rdetools: Relevant Dimension Estimation (RDE) in Feature Spaces
REEMtree - REEMtree: Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data
Relaxo - relaxo: Relaxed Lasso
Rgenoud - rgenoud: R version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
Rgp - rgp: R genetic programming framework
Rmalschains - Rmalschains: Continuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with Local Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains) in R
Rminer - rminer: Simpler use of data mining methods (eg NN and SVM) in classification and regression
ROCR - ROCR: Visualizing the performance of scoring classifiers
RoughSets - RoughSets: Data Analysis Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set Theories
Rpart - rpart: Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees
RPMM - RPMM: Recursively Partitioned Mixture Model
RSNNS - RSNNS: Neural Networks in R using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)
RWeka - RWeka: R/Weka interface
RXshrink - RXshrink: Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage via Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression
Sda - sda: Shrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable Selection
SDDA - SDDA: Stepwise Diagonal Discriminant Analysis
SuperLearner and subsemble - Multi-algorithm ensemble learning packages.
Svmpath - svmpath: svmpath: the SVM Path algorithm
Tgp - tgp: Bayesian treed Gaussian process models
Tree - tree: Classification and regression trees
varSelRF - varSelRF: Variable selection using random forests
XGBoost.R - R binding for eXtreme Gradient Boosting (Tree) Library
Optunity - A library dedicated to automated hyperparameter optimization with a simple, lightweight API to facilitate drop-in replacement of grid search. Optunity is written in Python but interfaces seamlessly to R.
Data analysis, visualizationGgplot2 - A data visualization package based on the grammar of graphics.
Scala natural language processingScalaNLP - ScalaNLP is a suite of machine learning and numerical computing libraries.
Breeze - Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala.
Chalk - Chalk is a natural language processing library.
FACTORIE - FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.
Data analysis, visualizationMLlib in Apache Spark - Distributed machine learning library in Spark
Scalding - A Scala API for Cascading
Summing Bird - Streaming MapReduce with Scalding and Storm
Algebird - Abstract Algebra for Scala
Xerial - Data management utilities for Scala
Simmer - Reduce your data. A unix filter for algebird-powered aggregation.
PredictionIO - PredictionIO, a machine learning server for software developers and data engineers.
BIDMat - CPU and GPU-accelerated matrix library intended to support large-scale exploratory data analysis.
Wolfe Declarative Machine Learning
General machine learningConjecture - Scalable Machine Learning in Scalding
Brushfire - distributed decision tree ensemble learning in Scala
Ganitha - scalding powered machine learning
Adam - A genomics processing engine and specialized file format built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark and Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
Bioscala - Bioinformatics for the Scala programming language
BIDMach - CPU and GPU-accelerated Machine Learning Library.
Figaro - a Scala library for constructing probabilistic models.
H2O Sparkling Water - H2O and Spark interoperability.
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