This article introduces the STC12C5A60S2 programmable clock module and system power saving module code.
STC12C5A60S2 register introduction STC12C5A60S2 programmable clock module code//************************************************ ****************************//
// STC12C5A60S2 programmable clock module
// Description: STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller has three programmable clock outputs CLKOUT0/T0/P3.4
// CLKOUT1/T1/P3.5, CLKOUT2/P1.0
// related registers: AUXR (auxiliary register), WAKE_CLKO (clock and system power-down wake-up control register
// BRT (Independent Baud Rate Generator Timer Register)
// Program description:
// This program can optionally implement P3.4 output CLKOUT0 clock, P3.5 output CLKOUT1
// P1.0 output CLKOUT2 clock
////********************************************** ******************************/
#include 《STC12C5A60S2.H》
#include "intrins.h"
//#define Port_BRT //If you want to test the independent baud rate generator clock output, please open this sentence
/ / If you want to test CLKOUT1 and CLKOUT0 please comment this sentence
#ifdef Port_BRT /* Condition Compilation Independent Baud Rate Generator Clock Output*/
// CLKOUT2 clock initialization //
Void CLKOUT_init(void)
WAKE_CLKO = 0x04; //Bit2-BRTCLKO allows P1.0 to be configured as an independent baud rate generator
Clock output
//Output frequency when BRT works in 1T mode = Sysclk/(256-BRT)/2
//BRT works when it is working in 12T mode = Sysclk/12/(256-BRT)/2
AUXR = 0x14; //Bit4-BRTR allows independent baud rate generator operation
//Bit2-BRTx12 BRT works in 1T mode
BRT = 0xff; //Change the value of this register to divide the clock frequency of the output
#else /* Condition Compile CLKOUT0 Clock Output*/
// CLKOUT0 clock and CLKOUT1 initialization //
Void CLKOUT_init(void)
WAKE_CLKO = 0x03; //Allow P3.4/T0 pin to be configured as timer 0 clock output CLKOUT0
//T0 output frequency in 1T mode = SYSclk/(256-TH0)/2
//T0 output frequency when working in 12T mode = SYSclk/12/(256-TH0)/2
//1T means 1 for every 1 clock, 12 times that of normal C51
//12T means that every 12 clocks plus 1 is the same as ordinary C51.
//Allow P3.5/T1 pin to be configured as timer 1 clock output CLKOUT1, only
Can work in timer mode 2
//The output frequency of T1 when operating in 1T mode = SYSclk/(256-TH0)/2
//T1 output frequency when working in 12T mode = SYSclk/12/(256-TH0)/2
//1T means 1 for every 1 clock, 12 times that of normal C51
//12T means that every 12 clocks plus 1 is the same as ordinary C51.
AUXR = 0xc0; //T0 timer speed is 12 times that of ordinary 8051, that is, working in 1T mode
/ / T1 timer speed is 12 times that of the ordinary 8051, that is, working in 1T mode
TMOD = 0x22; //Timer 0 working mode is mode 2, automatic loading time constant
/ / Timer 1 working mode is mode 2, automatic loading time constant
TH0 = 0xff; //Change the value of this register to divide the clock frequency of the output
TL0 = 0xff;
TH1 = 0xff; //Change the value of this register to divide the clock frequency of the output
TL1 = 0xff;
TR1 = 1;
TR0 = 1;
// main program //
Void main()
//************************************************ ****************************//
// STC12C5A60S2 system clock module
// Description: STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller has two clock sources, internal R/C oscillation clock and external crystal
// The factory standard configuration uses an external crystal or clock
// involved register: CLK_DIV (clock divider register)
// The clock source can be 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 by the combination of Bit0-2 of this register.
// 32, 64, 128 crossover
// //
// Program description:
// Divide the external clock to get Sysclk, then pass the independent baud rate of P1.0
// Clock output function Sysclk/2 output clock frequency
//************************************************ ****************************//
#include 《STC12C5A60S2.h》
#include "intrins.h"
#define Bus_clk 12 //If you want to modify the system clock, modify it directly here.
//12 is 12M sysclk
//6 is 6M sysclk
//3 is 3M sysclk
//1500 is 1.5M sysclk
//750 is 750kHz sysclk
//375 is 375kHz sysclk
//187500 is 187.5kHz sysclk
//93750 is the sysclk of 93.75kHz
// System clock initialization //
Void Sysclk_init(void)
WAKE_CLKO = 0x04; //Configure P1.0 port as frequency output
AUXR = 0x14; //Allow baud rate clock to work
//Work mode is 1T
BRT = 0xff;
#if( Bus_clk == 12 )
CLK_DIV = 0x00;
#elif( Bus_clk == 6 )
CLK_DIV = 0x01;
#elif( Bus_clk == 3 )
CLK_DIV = 0x02;
#elif( Bus_clk == 1500 )
CLK_DIV = 0x03;
#elif( Bus_clk == 750 )
CLK_DIV = 0x04;
#elif( Bus_clk == 375 )
CLK_DIV = 0x05;
#elif( Bus_clk == 187500 )
CLK_DIV = 0x06;
#elif( Bus_clk == 93750 )
CLK_DIV = 0x07;
// main program //
Void main()
//************************************************ ****************************//
// STC12C5A60S2 system power saving module //
// Description: The STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller has three power-saving modes to reduce power consumption. Idle mode, low speed mode
// power down mode
// involved register: PCON (power control register)
// Bit0 - IDL controls the microcontroller to enter IDLE idle mode
// Bit1 - PD controls the microcontroller to enter power-down mode
// //
// Program Description: The program implementation allows the MCU to work for a while (displayed by the P0^3 indicator)
// Then enter the power-down state, use the external interrupt 0 to wake up the microcontroller
// After wake-up, the MCU will start working by flashing the P0^0-3
////********************************************** ******************************/
#include 《STC12C5A60S2.h》
#include "intrins.h"
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
Uchar Power_Down_Flag = 0; //Enter the power down status flag
Sbit Chip_Start_LED = P0^0; //Microcontroller starts working indicator
t Power_Down_LED_INT0 = P0^1; //INT0 port power-down wake-up indicator
Sbit N_Power_Down_LED_INT0 = P0^2; //INT0 port has no wake-up indicator
Sbit Normal_Work_LED = P0^3; // normal working indicator
Sbit Power_Down_Wakeup_INT0= P3^2; //Outer interrupt wake-up input
Void Delay_ms( uint time );
Void Normal_work(void);
Void Intp_init(void);
Void After_Powr_Down(void);
// software delay //
Void Delay_ms( uint time )
Uint t; //delay time = (time*1003+16) us while(time--)
For( t = 0; t " 82; t++ );
// normal work instructions
Void Normal_work(void)
Normal_Work_LED = 1;
Normal_Work_LED = 0;
Void After_Power_Down(void)
Uchar i ;
For( i = 0; i " 100; i++ )
P0 = 0x0f;
P0 = 0x00;
// interrupt initialization //
Void Intp_init(void)
IT0 = 0; // external interrupt source 0 is low trigger
EX0 = 1; //Allow external interrupts
EA = 1; //open total interruption
STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller module code 13_stc12c5a60s2
// main program //
Void main()
Uchar j = 0;
Uchar wakeup_counter = 0; //record the number of power failures
P0 = 0x00;
Chip_Start_LED = 1; //The microcontroller starts working
Intp_init(); //External interrupt 0 initialization
P2 = wakeup_counter;
For( j = 0; j " 250; j++ )
Normal_work (); / / system normal work instructions
Power_Down_Flag = 1; //The system starts to enter the power down state
PCON = 0x02;
After_Power_Down(); //After power-down wake up
// interrupt service
Void INT0_Service(void) interrupt 0
If( Power_Down_Flag ) //Power-down wake-up status indication
Power_Down_Flag = 0;
Power_Down_LED_INT0 = 1;
While( Power_Down_Wakeup_INT0 == 0 )
_nop_(); //wait high
Power_Down_LED_INT0 = 0;
Else // no power down state
N_Power_Down_LED_INT0 = 1; //not power-down wake-up indication
While( Power_Down_Wakeup_INT0 == 0 )
N_Power_Down_LED_INT0 = 0;
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